Saturday, October 19, 2013

Greatly Adventurous Mystical Elves Rogues and Soldiers


Who are we? We're bat s*** crazy gamers who enjoy playing all sorts of games for fun.

What do we do? We game, duh. Mostly D&D, but a couple of us also enjoy playing a variety of Xbox games and computer games. Example Games, D&D: 2nd edition AD&D, Xbox: Skyrim, Minecraft, Halo, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Borderlands, etc., Computer: World of Warcraft, Skyrim, Minecraft, Diablo, etc.

Wait, where are you? Hidden in a deep valley surrounded by mysterious caves in the mist of the night lies our castle. Just kidding, we're located in Utah (it's basically another planet over here).

CAN I JOIN? We're not actively looking for people, but if you wanna join shoot us a message via the Facebook Page listed below.

How do I learn more? Best place to look is our Facebook Page. Click this link to soar gracefully over to the page-->

Best of luck Gamers. Belladonna signing out.

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